Subatomic Quark Level 1 Content


Congratulations on investing in your well-being. Are you ready to become a fully realised version of yourself?


Subatomic Lepton-(Level 2) Muay Thai Techniques

Ok so we’ve established you like hitting stuff. Now we will use our knees and elbows, completing the 8 weapons of Muay Thai. Download this to perfect the movements and combinations needed for the second test and to go to the next level. Homework time.


Spine Stretch

Nobody likes a pain the neck. This routine concentrates on a pretty important area of your body, your back. Take care of your spine and in turn feel the benefits with this stretching protocol. If we stress and tense our muscles training it only makes sense to take time to stretch and relax them right?‌‌ 


Wrist Conditioning

Avoid injuries to your wrists from punching by conditioning them, use this interactive PDF to see how.


The Everest Food Map

The Roadmap offers a number of food options on a spectrum of green (eat as much as you want!) to yellow (limit these foods) to red (these should be avoided, but it’s not the end of the world if you eat them).


Shopping list

Get a bonus shopping list you can bring to the grocery store


Evening routine

Train like a beast, recover like a devil. Check our most important steps to unlock perfect sleep and sweet dreams.